GB_T50761-2018 石油化工钢制设备抗震设计标准-英文版.pdf

GB_T50761-2018 石油化工钢制设备抗震设计标准-英文版.pdf
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GB_T50761-2018 石油化工钢制设备抗震设计标准-英文版.pdf


Terms and symbols

2.1.1 Seismic design

山阴中学新建教学楼脚手架工程施工组织设计-8wr.doc2.1.3Seismic actio

2.1.4Seismic effed

2.1.8 Seismic influence coefficient

2.1.9Seismic fortificationmeasures

2.1.10Details of seismic design

An engineeringstructuraldesignmethodbased ontheprinciplethata structureormemberreaches a limitstateasrequiredbyapredeterminedfunction

2.2.1Actions and effects:

2.23 Calculation coefficient:

3 Basicrequirements

Classification of importancefactors

3.1.1 In seismic design,the seismic importance factor of equipment shall be classified into the following four(4) categories according to the intended use of the equipment and the hazardness by earthquake damage: 1Categoryl:The equipment exceptthoselisted in category ,eategory3andcategory4. 2Category 2:Category II pressure vessels specified in the safety technical specifications for special equipmentTSG2l SupervisionRegulation onSafetyTechnologyforStationaryPressure Vessel, category II storage tanks as classified according to the current industrial standard AQ3053 Safety Technical Code for Vertical Cylindrical Steet Welded Tank, heaters, and the vertical vessels whichhavea heightof 20mto80m. 3Category 3:Category II pressurevessels specified in the safety technical specifications for special equipment TSG2lSupervisionRegulation on Safety Technology for StationaryPressure Vessel,category II storage tanks as elassified according to the current industrial standard AQ 3053 SafetyTechnical Code forVertical Cylindrical Steel Welded Tank,and the vertical vessels supported by skirts which have a heightof more than8Om. 4Category4:Theequipmentforfirefightingpurposes

3.2Seismic influences

3.2.1Except for heater,the seismic influence on the equipment in region where an earthquake occurs shall be characterized by the design basic acceleration of ground motion and characteristic period of design ground motion spectrum corresponding to the seismic fortification intensity. 3.2.2The correspondence between the design basic acceleration of ground motion and the seismic fortification intensitv is as shown in Table 3.2.2.

Table3.2.2 basicaccelerationofgroundmotior and the seismicfortification intensity

.3The characteristic period of seismic influences shall be determined based on the desi thquake group and site class of the region where the equipment is located. The characteristic per ach design earthquake group is shown in Table 3.2.3.

Table3.2.3Characteristic period(s)

Table3.2.3Characteristic period(s)



4.1 General requirements

General requirement

1Theseismic influencecoefficientoftheequipmentshallbedeterminedaccordingtothedes ic acceleration of ground motion,site class,design earthquakegroup,natural vibration period lipment and damping ratio. The maximum value of the horizontal seismic influence coefficient sh selected fromTable 4.2.1,and the characteristic period shall be selected from Table3.2.3 accord hesiteclass anddesignearthquakegroup

Table 4.2.1Maximum value of horizontal seismic influence coefficient

—horizontal seismic influence coefficient. amaxmaximum value of horizontal seismic influence coefficient. fadjustment coefficient of descending slope of linear descending section. —altenuation index of curve descending section.T,characteristic period. n2—damping adjustment coefficient.T—natural vibration period of equipment 1The seismic influence coefficient curve is divided into the following parts : 1)Linear ascending section,where the natural vibration period of the equipment is lessthan 2)Horizontal section,where the natural vibration period range from to characteristic period. 3)Curve descending section,where the natural vibration period range from characteristic period to 5 times the characteristic period. 4)Linear descending section,where the natural vibration period range from 5 times the characteristic period to 15s. 2The attenuation index of the curve descending section shall be determined according to the followingformula:

whichisselectedaccordingtotherequirementsofSection4.2inthisstandard; meqequivalenttotal mass ofequipment(kg); Amequivalentmass coefficient,which is taken as 1for singlemass point system and o.85 multiple mass point system; mi,m,mass concentrated atmass pointiorj(kg); Fdesign value of horizontal seismic action at mass point i(N); h,h,calculatedheightofmasspointiorj(mm);


Where,Fhkdesign value of horizontal seismic action on the equipmentmounted on theframework(N); Kmamplification factor of seismic action on the equipment mounted on theframework,which is selected from Tahle 4.4. 2

Note: The height ol each ramework 4.4.3Ifthe structuralparameters of theframework areknown,thedesignvalueof thehorizontal seismic action on the equipment mounted on the framework may be calculated according to the requirements of Appendix A in this standard.

Note: The height ol each ramework 4.4.3Ifthe structuralparameters of theframework areknown,thedesignvalueof thehorizontal seismic action on the equipment mounted on the framework may be calculated according to the requirements of AppendixA in this standard.

4.5Vertical seismicaction

Where,Fvdesign value of vertical seismic action on mass point iofthe equipment(N). 4.5.2The design value of vertical seismic action onhorizontal equipmentmay betaken as10%,15% and 20%of the total gravity load of the equipment when the design basic acceleration of ground motion is 0.20g,0.30g and 0.40g,respectively.


ere,oallowableseismicstressofmaterial(MPa); K,adjustment coefficient of allowable seismic stress, which is taken as 1.2 for equipment bo and1.33forsupportingmembers:

Eelastic modulus ofmaterial at design temperature(MPa)

Table 4.7.2Calculation coefficient k

ere,K.adjustmentcoefficientofallowableseismicstress,whichistakenas1.2; [ojallowable stress of material at design temperature(MPa),which is taken as the smaller allowablestressofaccessoriesandthatofequipmentbodymaterial.

Horizontal vessels

5.1 Generalrequirements


2Seismicactionand seismicchecking

5.3.2The anchor bolts on sliding support shall be provided with features for limiting the lateral displacementofvessel. 5.3.3Where the seismic fortification intensity is greater than or equal to 7 degree,the support shall be welded to thevessel body

6 Verticalvesselssupportedbylegs

GB 51350-2019-T:近零能耗建筑技术标准(无水印,带书签)6.1 General requirements

2Forvertical vessel supported bylegsmounted ongroundwithdiameterlessthan1.2m,hei s than 3m (including the height of legs) , and leg height less than 0.5m, if the seismic fortificat nsity is 6 degree or7degree,seismic checking of the vesselmay notberequired,but the requireme details of seismicdesign shall be met. N.m annoiad

.1The basic natural vibration period of vertical vessel supported by legs may be calcula ording to the following formula:

K. 4E( I2)


7.I General requirements
