
资源大小:77.7 M



id barrels and otherbuildings shall be not less than those specified in Table 4.2.1. Table 4.2.1Fire separation distance between Class A,B,C liquid tanks(tank farm),stacks of Class B, C liquid barrels and other buildings(m)

1The volume of a single tank and the total volume of the tank group shall be not greater thanthosespecified inTable 4.2.3. Table 4.2.3Maximum volume of Class A,B and C liquid tanks arranged by group(m')

Table4.3.3Fire separatic nk andbuilding/storagetank/s

聚苯板(挤塑板)玻纤网格布聚合物砂浆施工工艺Table 4.3.3Fire separation distance between the wet oxvgen tank and building/storage tank/stackvard(m)


Table 4.4.1(continued)

Table4.4.5 cylinde ation(m)

Table 4.5.1(continued

5Civil buildings

Table 5.1.1Classification of civil buildings

Table 5.1.2(continued)

5.2General layout

Table 5.2.2Fire separation distance(m)between civil buildings

5.3.1AThebuildingheightoftheindependentClass andClassagedcarefacilitiesshouldbenot greater than 32m,and shall be not greater than 54m; the independent Class IlI aged care facilities shall benotgreaterthan2storeys



5.5.1Evacuation and refuge facilities shall be provided for civil buildings based on the

1Evacuation and refuge facilities shall be provided for civil buildings based on the building heig

Table 5.5.8Public buildings where one exit stairway may be provided

Healthcarebuildings,hotels,agedcarefacilitiesorthelike; Buildings with entertainmentand amusementoccupancies; 3Stores,libraries,exhibitionbuildings,conferencecentersorthelike;

4Otherbuildings not less than5storeys

Table 5.5.17Distance from the exit door of a room to the nearest exit(m

ble5.5.18 irstfle xitpas uildings(m

For residential buiaings witn neignt notgreatertnan zim,openstairwayis permitted. Wher theexit stairwayisarranged adjacentto elevator shafts,such stairwayshall beenclosed;openstairway is permitted in case that thehousehold doors opening to such stairwayare Class B fire door. 2For residential buildings with height greater than 2lm but not greater than 33m,enclosed stairway shall beprovided; open staircase is permitted where the household doors opening to such

Notes; those specified in thistable 2The distance from the household door directly leading to exit passageways to the nearest open stairway shall be 5m shorter than those specified in this table where the household door locates between two stairways; and it shall be 2m shorter than those specified in this table where the door locates at both sides or at the end of the dead end. 3Where the sprinkler system is provided in the residential buildings,the distance may be increased by 25% on the basis of those specified in this table. 4The distance from the household door of skip floor apartment building to the nearest exit shall be measured from the household door;the distance of the indoor stair may be calculated as 1.50 times of the horizontal projection length of the stairflight. 2The staircase shall directlylead to the outdoors on thefirst floor,oran enlarged enclosed stairway orsmokeproofvestibuleshallbeprovided onthefirstfloor.Wherethenumberof storeys loesnotexceed4,thedistancebetweenthestaircaseandthedoorleadingdirectlytotheoutdoors shallbenotmorethan15m. 3The distance from any point of the room to thehousehold door directly leading to the exit oassageways shall be not greaterthanthemaximum distancefromthe exit dooratboth sides or theendofthedeadendtothenearestexitasspecified inTable5.5.29

Notes; thosespecified inthistable. 2The distance from the household door directly leading to exit passageways to the nearest open stairway shall be 5m shorter than those specified in this table where the household door locates between two stairways; and it shall be 2m shorter than those specified in this table where the door locates at both sides or at the end of the dead end. 3Where the sprinkler system is provided in the residential buildings,the distance may be increased by 25% on the basis of those specified in this table. 4The distance from the household door of skip floor apartment building to the nearest exit shall be measured from the household door;the distance of the indoor stair may be calculated as 1.50 times of the horizontal projection length of the stairflight. 2The staircase shall directly lead to the outdoors on the first floor,or an enlarged enclosed airway or smokeproof vestibule shall beprovided on thefirstfloor.Wherethe number of storeys oes not exceed 4,the distancebetween the staircase and the door leading directly to the outdoors nallbenotmorethan15m. 3The distancefrom anypoint of the room to the household door directly leading to the exit assageways shall be notgreaterthanthemaximum distancefromthe exit doorat both sides or heendof thedeadendtothenearestexitasspecified inTable5.5.29

6Building construction

6.1Fire wall

6.1.5Doors,windows and other openings shall not bepermitted in thefirewall;where

6.2Building elements andpipe shaft


enlarged enclosed stairway.ClassB fire door shallbeprovided to separateit from theremainder ofthebuilding.

? The doors leading to the exterior stairs shall be Class B fire doors,and the doors shall open indirectionofegress. 5Other than exit doors,openings like doors,windows shall not be permitted in the walls within 2maroundthe stairways.Landings shallbeprovided between theexit doors and the stair flights.

6.4.6Metal stairs maybeused as the second exitin Class Dand E factorybuildings,but theclea


6.6Overpass,trestleandpipe trencl

TBT3455-2016 动车组侧窗/ Fire fighting and rescue facilities


Table7.1.6Storagevolumes of stackvards or tank farms
